“Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.”
- Mark Twain

Origami and MathJohn MontrollI like origami and I like math, so this book is perfect! Easily my top favorite origami book of all time.
What If?Randall MunroeThe What If? blog but as a book, and the best way to blown the mind of fourth-grade me.
The ElementsTheodore GrayLovely periodic table book with large beautiful pictures except the author sadly didn’t try to nearly kill himself by photographing the highly radioactive elements.
Lies My Teacher Told MeJames LoewenI can’t decide if this book is more interesting or Wikipedia’s weirdest history articles.
The Code BookSimon SinghThe book that got me into cryptography, except I lost my copy after carrying it around everywhere.
Gödel, Escher, BachDouglas HofstadterAn amazing math book that I received as a present recently even though I’d already read the book a few years ago. Oh well.
The Wisdom of James MickensJames MickensInsane articles and talks about computer science. Yes, they’re insane in both a good and a bad way, but mostly good.